About Us
How did we start growing strawberry plants?
Trevor Moore started the company in the 1980s after leaving agricultural college. His dad Peter was managing a soft fruit farm and the owners wanted to stop farming. Trevor saw an opportunity to start his own business and using the wealth of knowledge his dad had acquired over the years and T.J.Moores was founded.
Since then we have added more soft fruit plants to the catalogue. These are red white and black currants, gooseberry bushes and raspberry canes. We grow mainly traditional varieties of soft fruit but also offer a few new varieties.
Trevors son Toby has now become part of the business helping on the commercial side while running an ecommerce website selling to retail customers.
We are based in Gressenhall mat the heart of Norfolk and are able to supply customers over the whole of the UK though a palletised service. Our strawberry plants and raspberry canes are all certified as pest and disease free as well as being grown to the highest of standards.